MDRN Photobooth Co.

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Trade Show Booth Ideas - Add a Photobooth

Tradeshows have always been a great way to generate new leads and customers if you can get them to actually step into your booth. Most trade shows have hundreds of attendants which can make it hard to stand out with the same old pop up banner and branded table cloth. 

You might also be part of an industry that may not always be seen as "fun" which makes it hard to get people to engage with your booth. There is only so much swag you can give out year over year. This is obviously the point where we tell you that adding a photobooth to your trade show will make it awesome but I promise you this isn't blog fluff, this is tried and tested in the real world.


Challenge accepted. Insurance isn't a word that generally instills joy and thoughts of fun in many people. This trade show, in particular, was a show where insurance companies present to insurance brokers. Most of the booths all look the same, branded backdrop, branded table, flyers and representatives trying to get people to talk to them about the latest and greatest product they have in insurance. 

For this event, we decided to go deep into the industry and find out inside lingo of the insurance world. We learned a couple of things:

  1. Insurance professionals have a sense of humor

  2. There is A LOT of inside lingoes that we could use

  3. There is rarely "fun" stuff to do at these trade shows other than talk face to face with the companies.

The Props

We created custom props for this company that would speak to their clients. These consisted of industry inside jokes, objects and we made up some funny awards as well. Every industry has inside jokes and you should see peoples faces light up when the read all of signs that relate to them. 

The company colours were blue, red, white and black so we decided to stick to the brand colours and make some of the accessories in their main colour. We love keeping the booth pictures looking consistent while fun.  

The Booth

With our massive collection of backdrops we were also able to match the background of all the images to the overall brand identity of the company. 

We opted to go with a sequin backdrop in order to attract people to the booth as it stands 9 feet tall. People love sparkly things and are naturally drawn to them. 

The Results

You are probably thinking this all looks great but what ended up happening? 

  • It ended up being a super busy booth with lot's of interaction with people.

  • The funny signs created an ice breaker with guests and lead to a nice natural interaction.

  • The branded prints ended up being one of the favourite take aways and to this day, we have been told, that they are still on peoples desks

  • People were sharing their images like crazy on their personal Facebook pages (to see the impact that a Facebook share can have check out this post)

  • The client received amazing feedback about the booth including emails saying how awesome the booth was